Tuesday, August 17, 2010

The Forest

The leaves crunch under her bare feet
Moist soil tickling between her toes
Sweet winged creatures buzzing in her ears

Majestic trees look down upon her
The moon peeking through the leaves
His sleepy eyes resting on her path
Flickering like candlelight in a room swallowed by twilight
Shadows dancing across the faces of the forest
Smiling and laughing
Frowning and brooding

The night sings his lullaby
Lugubrious voice of the wind
Enchanted fiddle of the crickets
Hooting hums escape from the graceful throats of the owls
The blinking stars tinker their tune across the midnight sky

Darkness wraps his lovely arms around her
She breathes
Mist nestles in her hair
Gleaming like diamonds atop black silk
Her skin aglow
She escapes what is naught to enter what is now
Beauty unattainable through the tender eye

1 comment:

  1. Poetry fascinates me. I always wonder what the author pictures during the writing process. I am sure the picture I have in my head is nothing like the one the author has. This poem took me back to my youth for some reason. All of a sudden I was in the woods with my brothers for one of our overnight adventures in the woods behind my parent's house.
