Thursday, June 17, 2010

You have a voice

As a writer and as a human being, so many things inspire me.
Texture, sound, taste.
Smiles, laughter, tears.
Words, music, lyrics.
Nothing inspires me more than human nature.
Jason Mraz has been an inspiration to me for years.
He is a musician, a poet, a humanitarian.
He takes his God-given talent and he uses it to make good.
I follow his blog and recently one of his stories hit me harder than usual.
Mraz has been traveling in Ghana recently and has posted his ventures revolving around a non-profit organization called Free the Slaves ( that he has become acquainted with.
I was saddened....I was disgusted....I was embarrassed for mankind.
There are 27 million slaves existing in the world today.
These people need a voice.
I truly became inspired in reading about a song Mraz posted that inspired the trip to Ghana. I read the story carefully, clicked play, and then opened my heart.
I closed my eyes, swung my hips, raised my hands to the sky, and let my tears flow freely.
I am free......
Thank God I am free!
I have struggled so long with my writing, but now I have a new reason to write.
I want to share my voice.
I want to inspire others.
I want to make a child smile.
I don't have an abundance of money to give to charity, I don't have a private plane to take me to Third World Countries, and I don't have the luxury to give all my time to assist those in need.....but I do have a voice.
And my voice can get pretty loud.....
Do something good today. Make someone laugh today. Give your love today.
Here is the link to listen to the song that inspired Jason Mraz and many others to share their voice.
Feel the words with your heart.
Raise your hands up to the sky and thank the Lord that you are free!


  1. This is beautiful.
    Because so many people are now raising their voices, modern day slavery is being to the edge of its own extinction. Working together we can tip it over the brink. There’s a law against slavery in every country, and more and more people are united in wanting to end this atrocity.
    Thank you for sharing this post.

  2. Anna,
    Thank you for your comment, friend! We all need to join together in this fight. I am grateful for your open heart and your kind words....keep raising your voice, Anna!
