Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Searching for Happiness

There is not a single day that passes that I don't search for happiness
In a fleeting moment
On the smile of a child
A wink from a stranger

I search the dingy corners of my busy life for a sign of sunshine
A cup of laughter
A moment of elation

When I recognize what brings me happiness
I am more successful

Making others happy
Smiling at a lovely child
Laughing with a friend
Eating a cupcake (no sprinkles, please)

I dance to the lyrics of my own music
His voice carries me away
Away from dingy corners
Away from unpleasant conversation

My hips sway
My eyes close
Laughter enters my belly
Fills my heart
Warms my soul
And the corners of my lips slowly turn up
Toward the heavens

My heaven
Where the birds sing
Butterflies dance
And there is no sadness
No hatred
No litter of broken hearts

And there is happiness
Served on a platter of cupcakes
And I take one and eat it
No guilt
No second thoughts

I eat it and I am happy.......

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